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O solutions.

Using machine learning, we build tools for everything echo.
Take a tour of our solutions below. Chamber Measurements

Automated Measurement of Right Ventricular Diameter, Interventricular Septum. Left Ventricular Diameter, and Posterior Wall.

Calculate left ventricular dimension, right ventricular dimension, wall dimenstions, at systolic, diastolic and mid points in the cardiac cycle in the PLAX perspectives.

rv: 2.2cm
ivs: 1.2cm
lvdd: 5.1cm
lvsd: 3.7cm Aortic Apparatus Measurements

This model extracts features of the aortic apparatus, including the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract, the Aortic Annulus, the Sinus of Valsalva and the Sinotubular Junction.

high fidelity in sub-par and moving conditions

View Classification and Grading

This model extracts features in real-time using a mobilenet model architecture. By providing labeled features of the heart, ultrasound novices can orient themselves around the heart.

classify over 30 b-mode perspectives

Performance and Data Science

All models undergo rigorous performance testing. In this example, we can visualize performance of the model's prediction over each frame of the cardiac cycle.